SIMBA Final event

4 June, 2024 at the TU Darmstadt

The SIMBA project is organizing its Final Event on Tuesday 4th of June 2024 at the TU Darmstadt.

SIMBA is a project on the development of sodium-ion batteries, developing a highly cost-effective, safe, all-solid-state-battery with sodium as mobile ionic charge carrier for next generation stationary energy storage applications.

The hybrid event will be held at the Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Haus and will include the final results of the SIMBA project as well as three keynote speakers from the sodium-ion battery field.

Please join us in Darmstadt and register here: SIMBA – Final Event (

Date: 4 June 2024

Location: Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Haus – Dieburger Str. 241, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany.

Agenda Final Event: